Denise Larocque
I first learned of the Kasala at the local women’s center. Thuy, the teacher, spoke French while a personal translator helped me. I found the experience so moving, I, along with others were brought to tears while we each shared our work. I felt there was something healing and special about this form of Praise Poetry. The piece I wrote that night brought me to tears on the drive home, a deep soul wound, a cry that came from the depths of my soul and I yearned to know more. Upon arriving home, I searched for the Kasala school online and within days I had spoken with Jean, and immediately signed up for classes from the master himself.
I work with First Nations people in a Residential Treatment Center, I plan to take what I have learned and incorporate it into the work I do. As First Nations People who’ve experienced Generational Trauma, healing can take many forms. To me Kasala is a gift, with written words, pen and paper, Kasala has the ability to take you to an unexpected place. Listening to others speak their Kasala, I was amazed at its ability to transform my mind and soul with just a few words. Giving permission, as a way of speaking about myself that society had not deemed natural. A way of praising myself, my nation and the strong names that make up who I am. I am of the First Nation, Mi’gmaq Nation. Kasala asks us to look at where we have come from, what place greeted us in our birth, what other nations curse through my veins? Doing the research brings pride at how unique and special my life is. There is no words grand enough to show my gratitude for Kasala coming into my life, but I plan to share it, so that others can benefit from it. I would love to bring it into the English Schools one day so that the children can continue believing in their worth, before society washes it away.
Kasàlà I am my Mothers Daughter
Before acknowledging my lineage
I first swim through guilt and shame
Connected to my mother in the womb
Then not again until the age of fifty-one
Laughter was our medicine
I loved her for a path she forged for me Giving me the world of talents
Seeing to it I wouldn’t drown, in the mucky weeds that engulfed me midsummer
That a strong dismount over uneven bars would give me strength
Or a cartwheel on the balance beam, would gift me with pride
Still dipping my toe down, balancing as I find my way
She saw to it, that my tutu was sewn, and my tap shoes shone
Made sure I could toss a baton or hit a tennis ball
Love was a gift, not a commodity
Now fifty-two I find the gift of Kasala
Easily I praised the loving arms of my grandmother
her rocking chair was my safe place its where love resided
Love seen through my child like eyes needed a magnifying glass for my mother
It was in the places she drove me too The time she took out of her day
In the meals she cooked for me or the times she let me wander away
Linage, however
Comes from not just the nurturers
But from the 10,000 ancestors who are within me
From the lineage of my Norwegian French and Mi’kmaq roots
From the strength of women who stood up to vote, and for the governance of body over state
It’s in the women who shown me how to speak up for myself
In the earth that nourishes me from the universe that gives me my power
My relatives the trees and plant medicines
From the community that excepts me
From my teachers of many races with their wise voices
It’s in my ability to see clearly through the pain and resilience of my people
From the women whose family were once slaves
The historian woman who greeted me upon my arrival
The witch and bee keeper who taught me the craft
The Midwives who keep culture and tradition alive
In the fist held high from women who yell NO!!!!
I-am-the-death-card-in-the-tarot-deck I-am-the – one -who- learned -to- forgive
I-am-the -one -who -see’s- clearly -through -the- eyes- of- my- spirit
I -am- the- tamer- of- ego
I -am- The-light- hearted -thinker
I -am- the- teacher- of- Kasala who shall bring her people understand of healing
I -am- the- light- maker The -peace- keeper The- fire -starter- for- change
The- torch -carrier
I- am -a -creator a -medicine -woman I- am -you
I -am -a -mirror- for- all- that- the- world -is- good I- am -epit I- am
I -am -the- one- who- loves- her- Mother
I -am- my- Mother’s- daughter